报 告 人:吴奋,美国北卡罗来纳州立大学(North Carolina StateUniversity)教授
报告主题:Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems
内容简介:Introduction to fundamental results of modern nonlinear system analysis including Lyapunov stability theory, passivity, and absolute stability. Basic concepts of variable structure system、Existence condition of sliding mode and sliding mode equation、Sliding mode control and sliding mode control invariance、Basic concepts of differential geometry、 Feedback linearization、Partial feedback linearization and exact linearization.
报告题目:Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems (1): 2nd-Order Systems--Phase Plane Method
1. Qualitative analysis of linear systems using phase plane method
2. Structural stability
报告题目:Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems (2): Lyapunov Stability
1. Local Lyapunov stability theorem
2. Global Lyapunov stability theorem
报告题目:Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems (3): Lyapunov Stability (cont’d)
1. Invariant set
2. Stability result for non-autonomous systems
报告题目:Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems (3): Passivity
1. Passivity theorem
2. Small-gain theorem
报告题目:Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems (3): Absolute Stability
1. Circle criterion
2. Popov criterion
报告题目:Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems (3): Central Manifold and DOA estimation
1. Central manifold theorem
2. DOA estimation
报告人简介:Dr. Fen Wu received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in automatic control from the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China, in 1985 and 1988, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA, in 1995.
From 1995 to 1997, he was a Research Associate with the Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, U.K. He was a Staff Engineer with Dynacs Engineering Company Inc., Houston, TX, USA, on the International Space Station plant/controller interaction analysis project from 1997 to 1999. He is currently a Professor with the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA. He has authored over 150 conference papers and journal articles. His current research interests include linear parameter-varying and switching control of nonlinear systems, robust control subject to physical constraints, nonlinear control using sum-of-square (SOS) programming, and the application of advanced control and optimization techniques to aerospace, mechanical, and chemical engineering problems. His research has been sponsored by NSF and NASA.
Dr. Wu has been elected to ASME Fellow in 2015 and AIAA Associate Fellow in 2008. He served as Associate Editors for ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Meassurement and Control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, and Automatica.