报 告 人:横山隆一,日本早稻田大学教授
报告主题:Control and Optimization Technology for Renewable Energy
报告题目:Smart Grid Development and Power System Stabilization
1. Smart City Development and Recent Trend in Electric Power Network
2. Power System Stabilization for Long Term Dynamics in Multi-Area Interconnection based on Robust Control
报告题目:Large Scale Battery and Advanced Inverter Technology
1. The Role of Large Scale Battery Storage in Smart Grid
2. Advanced Inverter Technology and Issues in Application to Micro Grids
报告题目:Electric Power Flow Analysis
1. Per Unit System for Electric Power Flow Analysis
2. Formulation and Solution of Electric Power Flow Analysis
报告题目:Micro Grid for Asian Countries and International Power Grid Connection
1. Resilient and Expandable Clustered Micro Grid for Asian Countries and Islands
2. International Power Grid Connection and its Technical Issues
报告人简介:Professor Ryuichi Yokoyama,received the degrees of B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1968, 1970, and 1974 respectively. After working in Mitsubishi Research Institute, from 1978 through 2007, he was a professor in the Faculty of Technology of Tokyo Metropolitan University. Since 2007, he had been a professor of the Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering in Waseda University. Since 2015, he has been an honorary professor in Waseda University. His fields of interests include planning, operation, control and optimization of large-scale environment and energy systems, and economic analysis and risk management of deregulated power markets. Now, he is a Professor Emeritus of Waseda University, a Life Fellow of IEEE, a Senior Life Member of IEE of Japan, a member of CIGRE. He is also Chairmen of Standardization Commissions of Electric Apparatus in METI Japan. He is a President of Consortium of Power System Technology of Japan and CEO of the Energy and Environment Technology Research Institute.